Hi I Am Jamie,

meet your coach

I am devoted to helping you connect to your voice so you can sing your soul 

My singing path hasn't always been easy. I knew I had a gift very early in my life, yet kept it to myself until the big reveal in my 8th-grade musical. From that moment on, my passion for singing became my entire life, and I ended up getting a Bachelors and Masters degree in Classical Vocal Performance. During my graduate studies at Boston University, I began performing my original songs and started touring with my band. I started to realize the opera world wasn't for me, and quickly shifted gears to pursuing my career as an original artist. 

From the outside, it looked like I was living my dream. I was performing every weekend, recording albums, making music videos, and winning awards. But inside I was struggling with doubt, fear, and anxiety about my path. In 2012 I was invited to join the faculty at Berklee College Of Music, where I realized most of my students were going through the same thing. Soon after, I had a spontaneous spiritual awakening that completely expanded my consciousness and shifted the course of my career. 

I knew I had to share the wisdom I have learned from my singing and spiritual journey to support fellow singers in their journey toward soulful connection. Recognizing the transformative power of listening to one's heart and embracing their soul's purpose, I pursued certification as a Spiritual Life Coach and Yoga Instructor. This enabled me to seamlessly integrate my expertise, shaping my signature holistic coaching approach, and becoming the coach I wish I had along my journey. 

My mission is to guide you through a soul-opening experience that awakens you to your core. This isn’t your typical vocal coaching session. Together we’ll revolutionize the way you feel about your singing.

check out my original music

let's do this thing

It’s Time To Unlock The Full Depth Of You Voice

I do that with my signature holistic vocal coaching method developed from 20 years of teaching experience. Let’s break through together with VIP vocal coaching or in your group coaching experience.